Wednesday, 8 July 2009

To do what you do not wish to do is to do only what should not be done, without a good enough reason.

He who is deemed to be eccentric in the monkey-house generally looks ridiculous, dresses ridiculously, and walks in a very peculiar way; and people will always wonder why he does it, whatever he does, although he obviously can’t help himself.

People like a bit of independence occasionally, but if they can’t get that a bit of conformity usually does the job just as well.

To really understand people you need to become devious, to become devious you need to have been imposed upon by people in some way.

If ever you find yourself being ignored in bars by complete strangers you’ve probably just left your third eye of enlightenment open.

After reaching a certain age shyness becomes an abomination of the spirit: a meaningless act abhorrent to everyone. While once it is rid of the one freed of it, is often just left wondering when and how to act promptly enough to avoid being categorized as being introverted.

Those who find you amusing may not have your best interests at heart, but at least you’ll never lack for an appreciative audience.

The trick is in knowing when to act at the right time; if you miss this truth often enough then you’re just too late.

You may come to wonder why people can wear a hungry, pinched expression so often, until you see it reflected in the mirror once too often in yourself.

If you don’t give anything but your best, you’ll never have to live with the utter despair (or even the mildly irritating disappointment) of personal failure.

If you say something stupid you’ll be left wondering why you said it; as it’s the thing no one forgets and everyone will mark you by.

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