Sunday 19 July 2009

If you somehow know about love, the next most important thing is to somehow know about other people’s malicious intent in its wake.

As for our more petty mistakes, this too shall pass, hopefully without a public airing.

Curiously enough, men cooperate through agreement, in which a man is compelled to agree with others, who are then compelled to agree with him.

If you’re the type of man whose right hand doesn’t know what his left hand is doing, you’ll find that eventually they both tend to meet up in the middle for a private party.

For an old man nothing is so sour as the taste of misspent youth, so if you’re going to misspend your youth, misspend it well.

You are simply what age you are, nothing else; eventually this will become distressing.

Always go after what you want no matter what the cost, as the cost of not doing so is always dearer.

If you have to do something that needs doing, what other justification would you need? Why not just do it and forget it?

Watch out for religious fanatics, they always get it right, all of them, all the time. Then again, maybe they have.

What you are told in confidence you may never find the need to question, as it’s then so much easier to accept it as being true.

Everybody can make mistakes without thinking about it first, but thinking about your mistakes and forgetting about them later is always the next easiest mistake to make.

The past is always a memory of yesterday, what matters now is what you choose to do today with the memories of tomorrow: put them in the family photo album.

Always disguise the truth from little men, as they can’t take much more of it.

Don’t defecate on my plate and tell me it’s chocolate pudding!

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