Monday 13 July 2009

It’s not necessary to be sarcastic to be cynical about something, but it does help to put the message across to the fresh-faced indignant.

The motives of people around you should always be examined for what they’re worth. Which is not to say you’ll always use the right yardstick to judge by, but in this way you may avoid too many horrendous surprises later on.

As a man gets knocked down so he keeps getting up. So what happens to those who just don’t get up any more, do others come and take them away in wheelbarrows?

Nobody likes to see a failure crawling around stinking up the place, as it gives real men a bad reputation.

Men have got to be put in their place, as they have got to know that if they don’t learn how it is then they don’t know who they are.

You can, if you so wish, always answer a direct question with another question, although you may, as a result, be accused of having a questionable mentality.

As it is not always possible to act correctly it then becomes necessary only to act, even if it is only to stand still in the market place and juggle balls for your supper.

Direct confrontation is all very well, but if you can still get what you want by outflanking the opposition you’ll be all the wiser for it.

You take pride in filling your personal space, in that way no one can pry you out of it without killing you. And they might just do that sometime.

If there’s something about you that they can’t figure out or can’t put a finger on it, then they never will until you admit to it.

Every once in a while you should stop and reflect upon the true significance of things, or whatever that is for the occasion.

As for the man who’s obviously got it all, how can we bring him down to our level of equality at cost price? That’s the question.

Never be taken in by the new, it soon tarnishes; just use it for what it’s worth and let it go.

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