Friday, 31 July 2009

Clearly, candour extrapolated produces empathy so as to increase prestige through glamour. But how much of it can we take?

In some ways a cynic only wishes to tell the truth, and if the truth isn’t good enough for you then perhaps a lie will do just as well.

Never be tempted to admit to nothing, neither; nor then ever even be tempted to admit to anything else either, neither.

People are more malleable when they’re unsettled, and manipulated best when they’re more gently pushed out of balance.

Manage to survive saying something quite ridiculous today and you may also be able to use it to question why you did it again tomorrow.

It’s probably always a good idea never become infatuated with someone who isn’t infatuated with you, as it obviously takes up too much time and energy.

Naturally enough, nubile young women will never care much for horny young men who can only introduce themselves with a question mark.

If a woman can be adequately financed she can also be made to sit on her feathered nest, and like it too.

As and when the natural urge to procreate takes them, all nubile young ladies can be real ball-baiters on behalf of the Mother’s Union.

Women have something sexy on their minds besides sex: acceptability. Preferably at someone else’s expense—possibly even yours.

Really, real men in their male-orientated society communicate best by a series of grunts, whistles, clicks, looks, grins, and grimaces called “the code”; which is an essential code for any man, and one that must be learned thoroughly before becoming a “real man” in our male-orientated society.

There are the outsiders, and there are the insiders, and never the twain shall meet in mutual accord.

Direct confrontation must be turned aside so that you can hit the enemy as he blunders past in search of a foe.

There are some very mean-minded buggers about, and they all scratch backs.

People are suspicious of anyone who doesn’t look them in the eyes, as he’s obviously hiding something behind his own.

To lose control of his will is what a man most fears; while for him to do so with his own consent is what he cannot comprehend himself as doing, but he fears it none the less.

Belief in oneself is, of course, personal power, which someone without it would not ever have thought of.

Wednesday, 29 July 2009

When you try to understand something, also understand there that the capacity to understand it is hidden away, especially from those who cannot try to understand it.

What you intend about something is never enough to affect it; only what you do about it is tangible and real.

Become as callus to strangers as they are as callus to you. That is not to say you need to be nasty about it, just aware of the status quo, as, in this instance, being nasty is counter-productive.

Surprisingly enough, some people who you’d think care about what you think, couldn’t care less, and couldn’t even care enough to tell you so either.

Malicious intent can be subtle when it’s applied to you amid the crowd; to someone interested in opposing you it means: “I’ve set my cap at you!”

It’s a dirty, vicious little existence out there, if you’re a dirty, vicious little bleeder yourself.

If you do attempt to piss down somebody’s neck with impunity, it is advisable to be able to do so from a position of higher authority.

If one day you should see someone just looking delicate in the street, don’t touch him, as he’s close to the edge. But probably no closer than you or I would be on that day, if we’re as unfortunate as he is next.

The really nice thing about thugs is that they’ll always stick together right up to the point where they’re outmatched; then it’s each one for himself and whoever runs fastest isn’t “it!”

Through action to the point the will is sharpened, so that it can better understand the focus of the will of the world about it.

Always pay lip service to the doctrine of mutual aggrandisement, lest we forget the consequences of not back-scratching.

The moment of the con strings you along; but even if you know that you could still go along with it to see where it takes you.

If you really want to live you must act in a manner that reflects the fact that one day it will all be over.

People generally don’t much like to see a successful man succeed too much too often. In an egalitarian society they call it promoting inequality, anywhere else it’s called envy.

In matters of real importance you’ll never find someone of intelligence telling you what he’s really thinking too quickly, as it’s much too important for that sort of trivial response to the realities of the situation before him for him to do that too easily.

That which can be remembered with difficulty, given time, has no more enduring state than that which is forgotten, at last.
One should never be too tempted to attempt to kill off all those with gold stars on their T-shirts just for the cheek of wearing them, but it is still tempting.

To attack a man just takes the right opportunity, any rusty old tool that’s handy, and enough time to do a good job.

When it is required you prove you have done nothing wrong, you must be very close to being arrested for it.

Liking or disliking someone is a definitive action in time and space, and has its little permutations to encourage dissimulation of flavours amongst the crowd.

A man just has to get his antipodes right and the rest will take care of itself.

What is done in all seriousness must have had something of the comic in its makeup to be so important to be dealt with like that, in all seriousness.

It is necessary in promoting yourself to always like the sound of your own voice; and it is also an added advantage that you don’t have to listen to anybody else’s bullshit while you’re about it.

The betrayal of your interests is very much like the betrayal of your self, only that at the time you may think you can get away with it as well.

If you ask someone who’s looking at you askance why he’s doing it he’ll never tell you, but he might tell you something else easily enough.

Whatever it’s about, if it doesn’t have a touch of sexual brutishness about it, that beauteously sexy object of desire you’d rather like to pound away at misses its point.

Discourtesy that is uncensored is unwise; especially so when there’s no real reason for it. Picked over it mostly becomes crass stupidity.

Trust only those who you can trust and don’t make the mistake of trusting those who you can’t trust but look jolly friendly.

Individual freedom is always under someone’s control, however you may not notice whose until you’re told what to do with it.

Someone of whom you can say: “He knows his own mind,” may just say in response: “That’s what you think!” And he might be right too.

Some people like to check you out before putting you down, but the exquisite bit is still putting you down.

Those who don’t know their place must then be taught it, as frequently and as forcefully as is necessary.

The one who protects something always has his blind side; the one who has something to protect can always be moved.

Respect is something to be earned through the understanding that it is never freely given to anyone, without being returned in some form of exchange of values.

Friday, 24 July 2009

You’ll know you’ve been brainwashed when five years later you find yourself holding the same intolerant ideas, as the man who persuaded you into them in the first place.

Take too long to think too much and the moment to act well, as well, just passes swiftly away before your eyes anyway; and probably just as well, too.

Mental hospitals are full of the broken ones; the walking wounded live next door, or up the road a little bit, or even round the bend.

If you give someone something for nothing he comes to expect it, while if you give him nothing but good advice he’ll expect better next time.

You can find that those who just dislike you often can’t define why this is so, but this is simply to do with a certain attitude of people.

Play to the crowd long enough and you may eventually come to suspect that the audience “sucks!”

If you’re disliked you’ll either be attacked or ignored; in either case don’t let it interfere with your aim.

The right man in the right place at the right time can make a difference, but usually not much of one.

The impending lie is that egotistical vice practiced by the potential hypocrite in homage to the pursuit of virtue.

To grasp what you can, now, at the trough, is the main means of inducing most pleasure from what you can get, now, from society.

If you choose to burn your eye-balls out with an arc-light in the full light of day, do be sure you know what you’re doing while you’re about it.

The actions of others must be viewed in the light of their complete selfishness, or else you’ll never see what they get up to behind your back.

Knowing precisely how, roughly when, and where exactly to scratch someone else’s back for your mutual aggrandisement, best makes use of a useful social gesture.

At times there can be something wrong with your face: you can look like that poet who is forever looking into space.

Wednesday, 22 July 2009

Some things being propounded by some individuals have just got to be rejected straight out, preferably in time for it to be noticed by whosoever is being rejected along with it at the time.

Have no clawing, clinging, sickly-sweet un-tempered sympathy for the halt and the lame, the infirm and the sick, the old and the crippled; for deep, deep down they would probably rather it happen to you instead.

Where you are consistently and persistently attacked, then you must need to find indirect ways of fighting back.

Weasels you find all have one good reason for being weasels: to enjoy themselves at the expense of those who aren’t.

In reality there is no second chance, unless you make it first out of your own life’s blood.

Catering for courtesy is a means of avoiding the darts of discontent that are thrown at you, by those waiting for you to show a profound lack of tact.

If you don’t want to be manipulated you must learn to be manipulative; there is no in between for a flash in the pan of the likes of a man.

When you are disliked you will also be attacked in some way, even if you don’t realize the full effectiveness of it.

What everyone likes best is to have a good laugh at your expense––think about it.

You attack people with crap, and understand while you’re about it that crap is what you use to attack with.

Many people compromise with what they can get. This is a fact of life. However, it may not be so bad after all.

It is part of human nature to think one thing and say another thing even more stupid than the thing thought of, and not to notice doing it either.

If you’re not doing it right you’re just doing it wrong; so why not go and do it right while you still have time? This may involve opposing the will of others, and rightly so.

There’s a certain style, a flair, a knack that goes along with a certain individual’s character, which says: “I’ll negotiate for what I want in a way that will get what I want, and I’ll be smiling all the way.” He must have a bit of that “smiley culture” about him.

If you ever feel you simply cannot betray a friend without him noticing, get someone else to do it instead; in that way you keep a friend and make a new one.
To give a beggar a pound coin is to invest in the hope that he won’t go and buy a can of beer with it, while to give him a fiver instead suggests you’ve had too much today already.

A sure sign of the advancement of an advanced society is the number of crimes you can be arrested for in the street.

Should a pervert be allowed to choose his perversions, he would choose normal ones.

In being perverted the pervert is naturally amoral, while his immorality is thus beyond his comprehension.

You’ll realize your rather sad limitations when you realize what you can’t do anymore.

You’ll find that people hold opinions about complete strangers, even ones they see on the bus at rush hour, even if they don’t deserve it; they’ll think to themselves: “I don’t much like the look of him, whoever he is.” At least that’s what I think, as I do it all the time.

There are two things a man needs to know if he wants to get ahead: he needs to know how to grin and bear it, and he needs to know how to stare at people from within the group.

Distorting a rival’s image in the eyes of someone else you wish to influence is only another diplomatic form of clarity.

Now why insult someone you like just for some half-arsed joke? Isn’t the world sad enough already without that sort of sad little input?

Once in a while you may ask yourself, “Now why did I let that happen?” and really there will often be no good answer.

One day, on a day possibly just like any other day, you could make a slight error in judgement, as it is something that people do well; it would be an error of omission, and you would just have to live with it—or possibly not, how should I know!

There’s got to be more to life than just living, but there’s nothing more to do with it than just live.

You’re one up on a dead man at least, as you’re still alive to feel. However, you still may not feel that way about it at the time.

You should always enjoy the feeling of what you’re doing with your life; if you’re not you’ll probably end up enjoying the bits in between.

Some people take pride in living up to challenges, and good for them, no matter how big their heads get in the process.

Occasionally you may find yourself wondering why nobody will help you out; and if you’re not careful you may still find yourself wondering that years later as well.

Once in a while you’ll meet people with reserve, they don’t want to be bothered with anything else and know with vivacious similitude that you don’t know precisely what they mean by it.

If you do nothing threatening, keep out of sight and keep to yourself always, then you’ll be completely overlooked. Which must be what you really wanted all along to do it in the first place, mustn’t it?

Sunday, 19 July 2009

If you somehow know about love, the next most important thing is to somehow know about other people’s malicious intent in its wake.

As for our more petty mistakes, this too shall pass, hopefully without a public airing.

Curiously enough, men cooperate through agreement, in which a man is compelled to agree with others, who are then compelled to agree with him.

If you’re the type of man whose right hand doesn’t know what his left hand is doing, you’ll find that eventually they both tend to meet up in the middle for a private party.

For an old man nothing is so sour as the taste of misspent youth, so if you’re going to misspend your youth, misspend it well.

You are simply what age you are, nothing else; eventually this will become distressing.

Always go after what you want no matter what the cost, as the cost of not doing so is always dearer.

If you have to do something that needs doing, what other justification would you need? Why not just do it and forget it?

Watch out for religious fanatics, they always get it right, all of them, all the time. Then again, maybe they have.

What you are told in confidence you may never find the need to question, as it’s then so much easier to accept it as being true.

Everybody can make mistakes without thinking about it first, but thinking about your mistakes and forgetting about them later is always the next easiest mistake to make.

The past is always a memory of yesterday, what matters now is what you choose to do today with the memories of tomorrow: put them in the family photo album.

Always disguise the truth from little men, as they can’t take much more of it.

Don’t defecate on my plate and tell me it’s chocolate pudding!

Thursday, 16 July 2009

The mistake you cannot see yourself committing, is the one that can never be corrected in time to make a real difference.

Never mistake an arsehole that wants to get his rocks off for a man of principle, no matter how similar they may seem in the limelight.

Most people do well enough without understanding the finer points of morality, as they know exactly what to do about that sort of thing.

Men do you harm either because they fear you or hate you...but other than that any reason is often good enough if they haven’t a good enough reason in the first place.

Friendly people can always smile, but that doesn’t mean that they’re being friendly for the sake of friendliness, only that they’re prepared to negotiate over the price.

Whatever you do, wherever you go, whoever you think you are, like it or not you’re always gauged by your perceived position in the particular group of people you’re nearest to at the time.

An ebullient cynic is one who enjoys being miserable, and that’s a good place to start in this world, even if it does mean being unreasonable about it.

When you see someone defeated by life, you will also see someone who didn’t get the right battle orders in time.

Only a real cunt knows the correct procedure for real interpersonal-fucking, that’s why he’s named after a woman’s genitalia.

For the more dynamic amongst us, there’s always going to be a lot of wrongs to be righted and a lot of rights to be wronged.

You can always shrug someone off with a shrug of the shoulders, but don’t turn your back on him afterwards.

No one becomes disillusioned all at once: you’ll need to put your back into it or you’ll get nowhere with it fast.

Something is always missed out with a humane understanding of human nature, even if you don’t quite understand what that may be.

Wednesday, 15 July 2009

You need to be hard nosed enough to look at an idea and look very hard, as all ideas are hand coloured by monkeys in shades of grey.

If you are still prepared to engage with a problem you still may not be able to beat it, but the first battle has already been won right then and there.

There is no justification for being used, but there is always a good excuse for using others, just so long as it can be justified by circumstances.

Backstabbing should always be done with a smile and a jest, as it’s all the better to backstab with.

People are all vicious, callus, gossiping creatures, and it’s best not to forget it, as it’s the favoured means they use to achieve their wants.

A practical philosophy of life must occasionally include attaching twelve inches of cold steel to it, for the express purpose of making a swift charge up the Khyber Pass, just to clear the air a bit.

Taking a huge risk is the natural thing to do if you’re misinformed, usually found for sale for a small price at your convenience.

A good belly laugh is always a good response to a good belly laugh. Resonance, I think they call it.

The fragile human body is clearly a shrine to your “inner being”, never abuse it and it’ll serve you well, muck it up and you’ll drown in a sea of troubles.

You can be persuaded into doing as you’re told, merely by entertaining the uncomfortable feeling you’re being slightly impolite by not doing so in good company.

A direct answer should never be given to a direct question, as it’s always what is wanted most from you.

If you have clearly adopted an opinion on what you obviously do not know about, so where exactly did you get it from if not from someone else with another opinion?

Monday, 13 July 2009

It’s not necessary to be sarcastic to be cynical about something, but it does help to put the message across to the fresh-faced indignant.

The motives of people around you should always be examined for what they’re worth. Which is not to say you’ll always use the right yardstick to judge by, but in this way you may avoid too many horrendous surprises later on.

As a man gets knocked down so he keeps getting up. So what happens to those who just don’t get up any more, do others come and take them away in wheelbarrows?

Nobody likes to see a failure crawling around stinking up the place, as it gives real men a bad reputation.

Men have got to be put in their place, as they have got to know that if they don’t learn how it is then they don’t know who they are.

You can, if you so wish, always answer a direct question with another question, although you may, as a result, be accused of having a questionable mentality.

As it is not always possible to act correctly it then becomes necessary only to act, even if it is only to stand still in the market place and juggle balls for your supper.

Direct confrontation is all very well, but if you can still get what you want by outflanking the opposition you’ll be all the wiser for it.

You take pride in filling your personal space, in that way no one can pry you out of it without killing you. And they might just do that sometime.

If there’s something about you that they can’t figure out or can’t put a finger on it, then they never will until you admit to it.

Every once in a while you should stop and reflect upon the true significance of things, or whatever that is for the occasion.

As for the man who’s obviously got it all, how can we bring him down to our level of equality at cost price? That’s the question.

Never be taken in by the new, it soon tarnishes; just use it for what it’s worth and let it go.

Friday, 10 July 2009

People, in being what they are, will tend to try to push you in any direction other than the one you wish to go; once you realize this it is best to develop a keen sense of direction.

In his designs an ambitious fool is but another fool making mistakes, although a determined one.

To be bothered by anybody you only need to be there to be bothered, without knowing why not to go away.

Envy and jealousy most easily replaces interest and goodwill, and in doing so it may also become easier to move on.

Wanting to do something for one’s self is a greater force for change, than wanting to do anything for anybody else.

Every once in a while you may notice someone whose eyes look something like the black pits of hell. He was probably fooled into looking like that by his mates for a joke.

Life could be seen as a journey in which the journey is the destination, one in which it is always easy to get off before your time.

Any deviation by an individual from the norm in society will provoke immediate retribution from society; which is not to say the object of this reaction will immediately notice its effects.

Anyone isolated within society is an outcast from that society, whether he agrees with that analogy or not.

An insult should never go unchallenged, lest at some other time in another place the perpetrator just up and does it again for free.

Those who fail, fail alone; while those who strive to win, and win, will enjoy the fruits of a personal victory—lucky fellows.

Someone who judges nobody must be a complete fool, as only a complete fool would get away with it.

Personality can be likened to a twig, break that twig and it is forever broken. Certain courses of action over time will inevitably lead to that conclusion; hence, non-avoidance of that course of action is analogous to mental illness.

People never tell their real motives, even if they do realize what they are themselves; while if ever they say they do, they are probably lying.

People use friendliness for the pursuit of their own aims; in human relationships there can be nothing particularly wrong with this, provided it is realized from the start that people are just this way.

Nearly everybody’s favourite pastime is to talk about other people’s failings behind their backs to almost anybody who’ll listen, and they’ll be the last ones to know about it.

People fear those who cannot converse in a friendly, lucid manner with others, and fear losing their own ability to do so even more.

The natural solitariness of the depressed man is best communicated to others amidst the crowd by his apparently unique ability to be alone amongst the crowd.

A person should learn to cultivate a view of complete ruthlessness to the environment, if only to learn best how to survive in it.

Most people can make a convenient moral judgement on the toss of a coin, which is why most people can be described as tossers.

Thursday, 9 July 2009

There’s a difference between being ambitious and just being mean, and if you don’t know what that is you’re not ambitious.

Sometimes, where you just begin to think differently somehow, it may be just now, or then, maybe, it could quite possibly be just later on, just by surprise.

If you had to make the worst choice available and made it purely for your own benefit, is this not then the human value behind the mask of betrayal?

An unacceptable betrayal can ever so easily be done, simply to preserve immediately that thing which you are too afraid to risk losing.

Good manners applied neatly to the respectful are the mark of the morally robust, while a good burp should be reserved for the impending foe.

You may be attacked not only because you are weak and so should be attacked, but also because you are weak and so could be attacked.

To live every day with something unacceptable is something you could probably get used to, if you didn’t bother to think about it too much.

The morality of the moron is moronic, while that of the semi-moron must be quite justified by the circumstances.

If, in actual fact, you’re prepared to shed blood, sweat and tears to get what you want out of life, at least that’s a good start.

Taking a huge risk can be a quite natural thing to do, usually found for sale for a bargain price at your convenience.

He who knows enough to cultivates the esteem of his peers, also knows he won’t have to look too far for backbiters if he doesn’t.

When you think you’re home free, that’s where you’ll usually find that you’ll be most exposed to being caught out.

When you simply cannot speak the truth you must be a very loud liar and keep on going.

If as a male human being you’re not what a man is supposed to be you’ll find it impossible to act like one, indeed you won’t even notice the difference.

If one day someone just up and chooses to call you the most boring person in the world, then he’s probably also quite right to do so with compete impunity.