Tuesday, 3 November 2009

The average foul-mouthed fucker may just be another average apathetic arsehole that’s on steroids, but knowing that about him doesn’t ever shut his mouth for you.

It’s better to feel contempt for those you beat at the game of life, for they deserve no better if they thought of life as being a game in the first place.

Living in a state of fear is not merely discomfort, as it is also cowardice, unless of course there is a very good reason for it.

Fear is nothing to be afraid of, as fear is there to warn you of danger. Abject terror though, would always be a good reason for you to wet yourself over in fear of the dark.

What’s your purpose, your future, your reason for being? If you don’t rightly know, perhaps, you should go and try and find out, possibly, just for something interesting to do before you die of terminal ennnui.

There is a pecking order in the state of things of which you either take note of, or you get pecked to death.

Know what you want; if you don’t know what you want you don’t even know who you are.

It is always a case of comparative advantage where a certain individual cannot see the causes of his actions, but you can.

The art of ambush is perpetrated by those who know the reasons put forward and caused by those who are its victims.

It is the human thing to do to watch your neighbour to see that he or she doesn’t do anything particularly peculiar; and that is also justifiable, on account of sociability.

To feel righteous indignation you have to be the right man for it, in the right place for it, at the right time for it, and, also, to be its victim.

When you’re down and out people will step over you even if you’re still breathing; and so they then must know something you don’t.

If ever you forget something vitally important to you—don’t worry—you shall always be reminded of it sooner or later.

It is invariably right to decide for yourself early on in life what you want in the pursuit of the variation of life, and then set about cold-heartedly achieving the possible.

If you act rashly people will notice that mistake; if you act coolly, calmly, and collectedly you may end up getting it right, despite being in the vice-like grip of your enemies.

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