Thursday, 26 November 2009

Upon reflection, if you can think back far enough, you may find that a person whom you thought of as just disinterested in you really hated your guts. While to find that out can be quite surprising, to say nothing of being highly amusing.

When somebody you may find staring at you for some reason or another also seems to have a look of intense distaste upon his or her face, surprisingly enough, it will simply apply to you and to you alone.

Close friends who hesitate to say what they mean outright leave you with the feeling that they mean something completely different, or maybe even worse.

A friendship without much commitment on either side is more of a disinterested acquaintance; but for friendship’s sake one should never say so.

Some people won’t even give you the time of day—who are they and what do they want?

Some will say that you rise to the level of your incompetence, but even then you have to put your back into it or else you’ll get nowhere.

It is an unwritten rule of life, that you’ll never see the precipice of waning life before you until it’s too late to do anything much about it.

If you’re not careful, every once in a while you’ll not notice that you’re down good—that’s because you have no code.

Wherever possible youth should be enjoyed, as that’s what it’s for, while if any youth in particular is not enjoying it then that youth should go somewhere else and enjoy it there.

Youth is usually free to the youth; the trap closes later on in life when someone who is older realizes that youth is not really free after all.

Before too long you may feel that, upon reflection, your existence is of relatively little interest to anybody else, and you’d be right too.

Most people will judge you more if you don’t judge others, as they see this as being an irresistible temptation to indulge their prejudices.

The only practical ethical system is one that you are unafraid to use on your environment. This, above all, requires considerable concentration.

Friday, 20 November 2009

You can find that those who dislike you often can’t define why that is; but this is simply to do with a certain lax attitude of people.

Lies breed more lies, but the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth can get you locked up.

If one expects to use Occam’s razor correctly, it first needs stropping briskly along one’s thighs.

What is ambition other than knowing what you want to do with your life? Or is it a sense of purpose?

If you should ever see a man filling his own personal space, walk on quickly, as he’s obviously rather dangerous.

You’ll always find a lot of people pushing for what they want out of working life, and their attitude can become pretty annoying at times, because if you try to corner them they’ll just duck and cover and carry on regardless.

Usually what people don’t say is more important than what they do say. But it can never be that important.

Young men like to make witty, sarcastic comments about others around them, but that’s only one reason why they’re pratts.

What wouldn’t you do to get your youth back? That’s what it’s worth.

All men’s egos expand with the amount of alcohol in them, which is a sad comment upon the nature of men.

You have to make a stand at certain points in your life, or risk never standing up for yourself. While when those times may be exactly can still be a mystery to you.

Thugs tend to like an opinionated weakling, as they then find they will often have an excellent reason for hitting him.

The fist that hits the face head on enlightens the receiver with the gift of reality, and thus the one who hits back first gives out the same rare gift.

You should go after what you want, but then people will avoid you if they think it’s them that you want to relate to. That is apparently the nature of the casual society.

Perhaps it would be better to do otherwise today, other than doing as planned without knowing precisely why? Do people then just spend too much of their time stepping into places where it would have been better not to step? And if so, do people know it at the time? And if not, what do they know about it?

Tuesday, 17 November 2009

In a room full of people socializing you’ll never see the beginnings, more often see the middle and you’ won’t see the end; as it ends elsewhere, the beginnings are somewhere else and the middles are just inscrutable.

On a basic level casual conversation is to do with people subtly agreeing with each other while they’re about it; which is a ruthless purpose that should be pursued unmercifully, at least if people wish to be sociable about it.

As you’ve only got one life you surely don’t let anybody muck it up for you, as it’s quite irreplaceable; but first, you’ve got to notice the difference in emphasis.

To divest oneself of an irritating friend is a mark of the intelligent social climber. In which case by word and deed you are best know to your peers.

In time, most middle class people will get accustomed to the advantages of affluence; however, too much drives them wild, as they don’t know what to do with themselves anymore.

If nobody likes you it’s only fair not to like anybody else either, and so in that way everybody will dislike you all the more.

It is safe to say that all men act with the image of their mortality in mind; however, this is far from saying that this is apparent in their actions.

One of the most difficult things in life is asking the right questions about life; and it gets more difficult as you go along.

You should never let any members of your family betray you without asking what exactly they think they’re doing; while once they’ve explained it to you then it’s all right to carry on.

Their unqualified opinion of you in relation to what they are is generally what people see you as being, even if it’s an undeserved opinion.

Those who avoid minor obligations for the sake of convenience are doing themselves an injury, as it is right to face that music sometimes just to see how it sounds.

Be the sort of person who never insults anyone in a casual conversation and you’ll probably never realize that you’re doing it.

To deceive the deceiver, fist of all you have to make your deceptions believable.

You do as you’re told because if you don’t do as you’re told you’ll be told what to do.

Observe your mistakes closely: you can learn how to make them better.

One constant about being out on a limb is that it will look easier to jump, than to work your way back to safety.

Tuesday, 3 November 2009

The average foul-mouthed fucker may just be another average apathetic arsehole that’s on steroids, but knowing that about him doesn’t ever shut his mouth for you.

It’s better to feel contempt for those you beat at the game of life, for they deserve no better if they thought of life as being a game in the first place.

Living in a state of fear is not merely discomfort, as it is also cowardice, unless of course there is a very good reason for it.

Fear is nothing to be afraid of, as fear is there to warn you of danger. Abject terror though, would always be a good reason for you to wet yourself over in fear of the dark.

What’s your purpose, your future, your reason for being? If you don’t rightly know, perhaps, you should go and try and find out, possibly, just for something interesting to do before you die of terminal ennnui.

There is a pecking order in the state of things of which you either take note of, or you get pecked to death.

Know what you want; if you don’t know what you want you don’t even know who you are.

It is always a case of comparative advantage where a certain individual cannot see the causes of his actions, but you can.

The art of ambush is perpetrated by those who know the reasons put forward and caused by those who are its victims.

It is the human thing to do to watch your neighbour to see that he or she doesn’t do anything particularly peculiar; and that is also justifiable, on account of sociability.

To feel righteous indignation you have to be the right man for it, in the right place for it, at the right time for it, and, also, to be its victim.

When you’re down and out people will step over you even if you’re still breathing; and so they then must know something you don’t.

If ever you forget something vitally important to you—don’t worry—you shall always be reminded of it sooner or later.

It is invariably right to decide for yourself early on in life what you want in the pursuit of the variation of life, and then set about cold-heartedly achieving the possible.

If you act rashly people will notice that mistake; if you act coolly, calmly, and collectedly you may end up getting it right, despite being in the vice-like grip of your enemies.

Sunday, 1 November 2009

Probably the next most important thing to coming to a conclusion, is knowing why I came to that particular conclusion.

Amusingly enough, you may often draw out a friendly subservience gesture in an old acquaintance simply by calling him manipulative.

Unbridled honesty promotes dislike and rejection from people, and even worse than that when they finally know you’re just not going to let it go.

Acceptance of the realities of a crazy world can be that one bright spark of sanity left in it, for the sane man in a crazy world.

He who pleads not guilty in court also knows he will never have to admit to any degree of guilt whatsoever, even after they lock him up for doing it.

Justice is always the blinkered fool gibbering in the desert of eternal night; but then, you know, no one has any right to say that really, especially in court.

If you don’t quite know what you’re saying, get a lawyer to tell you to shut up.

Hatred is a two edged sword, it cuts one way, then another, then, for a complete view, right down the middle to clarify things for you.

What should always bring a warm feeling to your gut is the cool, calculated and utterly discerning appreciation of the other person’s predicament in comparison to your own.

If you’re not in a secure position of superiority raised by the resonant ambiance of the situation you are socializing in, then you’re in a negative position relative to some other fellow there.

No one ever won a battle by sticking his head in the sand and bleating like a sheep, although to see some people do it when they’re under pressure, they must think it wins the war.

Remember, first and foremost, most men are fuckers first and gentlemen last; as, for the genuine fucker, a gentleman is just a successful fucker that’s on holiday.

Politeness being pursued solely as a sense of being polite is never really appropriate, especially whenever someone needs a good kick in the balls over it.

He who has had the line drawn so thoroughly as to become a she, has then nothing much else to do after all except live like that and squat to pee.

The average workingman is of no real account, and so is someone of whom it can always be said that the more space he fills, the more space will be taken up to fill the gap.

In society a reason for violence can be based on intelligence alone; which, when directed at him, is something that generally goes one step beyond the average man’s fundamentally primate understanding of the uses of violence within human groups.

It’s a funny old world––and why shouldn’t it be? What could be better than this place is, to have a good laugh over?