Thursday, 3 September 2009

Justify your actions coolly, calmly and collectedly and you may still be in the wrong: either to be wrong or not to be in the right, as that is inevitable.

A man who works hard all week knows how to protect his psyche but take his work away from him and you have discovered his weak link, from whence you can destroy his ego.

You can loose the will to live and just up and die, and people will say of you: “Look at him—he has lost the will to live and has just up and died!”

In the end, the one who gets caught in a trap and can’t get out will always say, “If I had only known!”

When it eventually comes right down to it, you must owe total strangers precisely what they owe you––nothing whatsoever.

Use the group as leapfrogging mounts, as anything else is immoral and un-primate and may even be out of order.

Dull, repetitive, dead boring people should learn to repeat anecdotes about other people in a happy-go-lucky, conversational tone and get to like it too, just like everybody else has to.

The usual type of morally apathetic man has shit for brains, but he always tries to improve his mind through repetition.

If you at least deserve what you get, well, it’s only a question of degree.

Never forget an act of spite that doesn’t go far enough to end it.

Dislike is a palpable force that moves one’s will considerably, directing one’s vital need for social intercourse over towards extremes of posture and position which are inherent within everyday environments of mutual striking down. And that is just the way it is with people, most of the time.

You don’t have to laugh at something because it’s funny, in fact you can laugh at something because it’s un-funny, although why anyone would want to do that is beyond me.

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