Tuesday, 29 September 2009

People may be cynical about what they lack but that’s no reason to be cynical about what you lack, just resentful.

Cynicism, to the intelligent individual, is generally a worthwhile substitute for hypocrisy, but not always.

Here, you will not be perceived as what you are, but preferably be perceived as less than what you are.

It has been said that the morality of mankind consists entirely of scratching other people’s backs; but probably not by many moralists, as they like to get their backs scratched.

To be strong, a strong man needs to understand that a weak man is always shorter by a head.

Laziness produces a natural contempt from those who gang up on lazy individuals, even if they don’t think they’re being particularly lazy.

Life is full of resentment and hatred, and a good thing too, or else you wouldn’t know whether you were alive or not––now hustle—then you can join battle armed for the fray like a lustful bull.

Conformity is a ruse to minimize your threatening possibilities; however, you’ll not get on without ityou’ll not.

There are men out there who fear no man but are afraid of fairies having a party at the bottom of their garden.

Use jollity as the weapon that it is and you won’t be surprised when you are attacked by the “concerned suck up for approval approach”.

In positions of authority threat to subordinates does not often produce counter threat (however, subtle continuance for the underdog is the name of the game).

To avoid deluding yourself, be sure to know what you are doing.

Monday, 14 September 2009

Freedom is a monkey-thing, but the primate urge is basically one of conformity of course.

To sit and do nothing all day is not a viable option, it is merely the result of unlicensed thoughtlessness.

Any man should understand this truth about himself quickly: that there may be many men around worse than him but there are certainly none better.

What you already know may not surprise you anymore, but it can still rip you apart, eat you whole and leave the pips.

What harm others can do to you bears no comparison to what harm you can do to yourself—although it can be quite as painful.

Where you can honestly blame yourself for your troubles, you don’t have to blame others for it as well.

While you don’t quite understand the games people play, the rules will be obscured also.

Power corrupts, and relative amounts of power corrupt relatively.

When people say, “Are you for real?” at least you can be really irritated at the expense of the realities of it all.

What is the point of standing still in a quiet place if you don’t know where you’re going?

The essence of esoteric knowledge is that it is hidden, specifically from those who could use it most.

There’re no rose tinted glasses for a sixty-year old man, younger men have knocked them off.

Those who think in questions will never be questioned, as they don’t have the answer.

Some men can’t talk and so have no reciprocity, as it’s down to their nature.

If you can dish it out then you’d better be able to push it back––just like piles.

Certain things need one long stare without comment, as if you comment your position is known.

How do you redeem yourself in the eyes of a human lump of shit? You don’t you just step around it.

Friday, 11 September 2009

In the interests of politeness one long belly laugh is better than a quick insult in return for being laughed at, as anything more is probably just being antisocial.

Isn’t it fair to say of the perfect stranger before you, that you would gladly step over his dead body to advance your stride?

Many people don’t seem to know exactly what ebullient means, nor have the will power to look it up in a dictionary that they probably do not possess anyway, as they are afraid of being disappointed, or, at least, afraid of having an anticlimax.

Higher intelligence in the smarter primate: an excellent excuse for a brighter example of talking-monkey to say “fascinating!” at the sight of the stars before he dies.

Life is about endings and beginnings, but more often about endings than beginnings, more often than not.

Be wary of the sort of man who likes to wrap a soft cuddly teddy bear around his head at night, as he’s probably got a perfectly logical reason for doing so.

Be careful of the sort of man who only wears one glove in public places, although he may have a very good reason for it, for he may even be a bit of a golfer on the quiet.

Beware of those who turn their faces aside in closed response, for they probably have a dark secret to keep which really isn’t any of your concern anyway.

The craving for acceptance is one of the most powerful and basic drives of human nature, and to some people one worth dying for; and, if so, to some people also worth killing for as well.

If you should catch anybody just being nice to you knee the fellow in the balls, as he’s just got to learn.

The natural born partygoer it seems must ooze charm from every pore, hence oiling his path about the floor.

To compete effectively you have to have something to compete against; you can’t compete alone hidden away in your room, so something must have put you there.

A strong arm puts strength behind your opinions, from which position you will always be ready to propound one for the public good––if they know what’s good for them.

Intelligence in humans has obviously gone too far, but you won’t get far down the pub with that sort of attitude.

Now let us take great care that by the simple act of omission we do not promote the primary aims and intentions of some other person, above the primary aims and intentions of our own, simply by being too nice about it all in the clinches.

Thursday, 3 September 2009

Justify your actions coolly, calmly and collectedly and you may still be in the wrong: either to be wrong or not to be in the right, as that is inevitable.

A man who works hard all week knows how to protect his psyche but take his work away from him and you have discovered his weak link, from whence you can destroy his ego.

You can loose the will to live and just up and die, and people will say of you: “Look at him—he has lost the will to live and has just up and died!”

In the end, the one who gets caught in a trap and can’t get out will always say, “If I had only known!”

When it eventually comes right down to it, you must owe total strangers precisely what they owe you––nothing whatsoever.

Use the group as leapfrogging mounts, as anything else is immoral and un-primate and may even be out of order.

Dull, repetitive, dead boring people should learn to repeat anecdotes about other people in a happy-go-lucky, conversational tone and get to like it too, just like everybody else has to.

The usual type of morally apathetic man has shit for brains, but he always tries to improve his mind through repetition.

If you at least deserve what you get, well, it’s only a question of degree.

Never forget an act of spite that doesn’t go far enough to end it.

Dislike is a palpable force that moves one’s will considerably, directing one’s vital need for social intercourse over towards extremes of posture and position which are inherent within everyday environments of mutual striking down. And that is just the way it is with people, most of the time.

You don’t have to laugh at something because it’s funny, in fact you can laugh at something because it’s un-funny, although why anyone would want to do that is beyond me.