Pay no mind to what another man thinks of you, as he has
never walked in your shoes and if he hadn’t any of his own he would probably
pinch yours as well into the bargain.
As the bonds that bind us tend to grow tighter the more we
struggle against them, so why struggle against them, why not go with the flow
What should be watched for is not what men do, but why they
do it; and, if they need emulating, well, they’re probably dodgy anyway.
Nobody should want to hang about with somebody who has no
interest in what he does or how he reacts, and vice versa also, even though
they’re clearly well-suited to one another.
For every person who ever wanted something more, there is
another person who went out and got it. This may not be true, but there is only
one way to prove it.
Consider your own attitude towards the mentally ill or
psychologically deformed, and that is the attitude most of society would have
towards you if you became so, which, after all, really isn’t very nice but is
probably quite justified.
Men should be prepared to hang their principles from the
flagpoles (to blow in the wind), it’s the only way to be certain that they
don’t cause too much of a flap.
If he likes to do it anybody who disagrees with people has a
head start in a friendly conversation.
It’s impossible to say something foolish or inane without
lacking the intelligence to fully understand its true meaning, or at least not
until after it’s been said.
Someone who is being criticised generally gets exactly what
he deserves: free advice. Attack couched as criticism, though, is the
abomination of abominations, but it can still prove quite entertaining.
Arrogance is an indication that one doesn’t know what one is
doing; which in turn is a kind of behaviour that is usually closely followed by
one’s comeuppance.
Sometimes you’ve got to know when to punch someone in the
jaw; and if you’re going to do that then you had better know how to punch
someone in the jaw properly: for good and all.
For every freedom earned there’s a smashed hope that goes
along with it, just to provide supporting evidence for a general lack of
happiness in the world.
Fair weather friends: acquaintances who have got too close
to the truth and are blow away by it.
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