Thursday 27 May 2010

Conversation is the art of talking to yourself to an audience; while if you care to listen attentively to yourself in conversation you’ll find you’ve heard that story at least half a dozen times before, and you didn’t like it all that much the first time.

Most people, if they talk to you at all, will only talk about subjects that interest them, and so have instantly limited themselves to a type of social life that only their immediate audience ever approves of.

You can find that there are men who try to chat you up in a casual conversation; the only thing to do there is to talk louder and longer than them, as, obviously, it’s simply a contest of wills.

If you expect to sustain your spirit amid the crowd you should also bear in mind the effects of your actions, both on yourself and on others.

Are you ever sure that when you know something about somebody you are quite so sure about it? Or just sure enough to be sure of the consequences?

Those that work for their own benefit among those that also work for their own benefit will also tend to exploit each other, but not necessarily for each other’s benefit.

If you are a simple man you deserve anything you get lumbered with, while if you are a clever man you deserve to get it twice as much.

Given time, life presents a series of lost abilities; thus it follows that you should best perceive how to use these abilities to the best before they too disappear.

If you do come to think that you’re just possibly making a big mistake, drop it quick and walk off, before it blows up in your face.

Think, while you’re doing nothing in particular, that you’re a long time dead, and that’s a fair amount of time to do nothing in particular in…

Boredom is being without a reason to do something interesting, and doing that instead just for something to do.

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