Saturday, 29 May 2010

Ageing is a push-me pull-you of an event, in which you’re nearer the age you have just passed, and nearer still to the age you will next be, and yet so near to the present time that you can almost taste it slipping away.

Those who have their whole life ahead of them should not be interfered with by those who haven’t, or, for that matter, anyone else either.

You live, you compete; you die, you don’t.

If you’re very unlucky you may eventually come to think: “What the fuck am I looking at?” And you still won’t know before it’s too late.

Any move that emotionally distresses you is a mistake that you should try to avoid, but it’s still amazing how so many people still don’t understand this one simple fact.

You have a duty to the truth, if only to yourself; after all, who wants to live with your lies?

In the vicious survival tactics of the schoolyard, one good joke amongst good friends always deserves another, possibly even more brutal one.

It is a little recognized fact that those who are servants and those who are waiters aren’t generally those who should know better than that.

If you feel you have any duties to perform towards other people, then you really need to realize what they are first through empathy.

Whenever someone insists on saying, “The greatest satisfaction to me is for people to hear what I am saying.” Then his motives must be suspect.

As a weapon of choice for the intelligent man politeness is all very well, but when it comes time to gut his enemies it still remains ineffective.

Men use mutual praise in the process of male bonding. How much you believe it is up to you, it is necessary only for a man to show it consistently.

Being inoffensive is a matter of good manners, but is something not many intelligent men will manage to achieve with any consistency.

Thursday, 27 May 2010

Conversation is the art of talking to yourself to an audience; while if you care to listen attentively to yourself in conversation you’ll find you’ve heard that story at least half a dozen times before, and you didn’t like it all that much the first time.

Most people, if they talk to you at all, will only talk about subjects that interest them, and so have instantly limited themselves to a type of social life that only their immediate audience ever approves of.

You can find that there are men who try to chat you up in a casual conversation; the only thing to do there is to talk louder and longer than them, as, obviously, it’s simply a contest of wills.

If you expect to sustain your spirit amid the crowd you should also bear in mind the effects of your actions, both on yourself and on others.

Are you ever sure that when you know something about somebody you are quite so sure about it? Or just sure enough to be sure of the consequences?

Those that work for their own benefit among those that also work for their own benefit will also tend to exploit each other, but not necessarily for each other’s benefit.

If you are a simple man you deserve anything you get lumbered with, while if you are a clever man you deserve to get it twice as much.

Given time, life presents a series of lost abilities; thus it follows that you should best perceive how to use these abilities to the best before they too disappear.

If you do come to think that you’re just possibly making a big mistake, drop it quick and walk off, before it blows up in your face.

Think, while you’re doing nothing in particular, that you’re a long time dead, and that’s a fair amount of time to do nothing in particular in…

Boredom is being without a reason to do something interesting, and doing that instead just for something to do.

Thursday, 20 May 2010

Some people’s handwriting is a credit to copperplate, some isn’t, but then all these people who write illegible scrawl should always be complimented on their legibility, so as to encourage them.

I once heard of a man who liked to talk about it, and talk about it, but never did it, and eventually went and did something else entirely; and to this day he never did it.

There is theoretical bullshit, and there is common or garden bullshit; and you can change one into the other by going from the universal to the general and back again.

Reconsidering the rightness of things once in a while doesn’t make you wrong, although it does make you further open to attack from those who know better.

The world is in dire need of a hero––always has been and always will be––so as to be able to cut him down to size before he gets too big for his boots.

If it turns out that you do go for what you want but can’t seem to get it, laugh a little over it, and then go after what you want in some other manner.

If, inadvertently, a friend stabs you in the back, don’t be too confused by his actions, as it’s quite obvious to anybody but a fool that you must have something he wants.

Utter psychopaths clearly have one redeeming feature to them: how to recognize a valued enemy at the appropriate moment.

It is apparent that men seek the approval of their peers or they do not survive long alone in the wilderness, especially without a cuddle from their mothers.

If you can’t do as you’re told, somebody is going to have to come and tell you what to do.

You should learn what you might need to know; but nobody can make you do that, except maybe yourself.

It is correct to say that if you ignore a minor obligation in situations where a good observance of minor obligations is required, then you could be kicked out over it, and you’ll say to yourself: “That was a bit much!” and you’d be right too.

The correct use of conversation is where the medium becomes the message; and so, the message becomes the medium.

Smile, and (assuming you’ve still got all your original teeth) the world smiles back at you.

Laughter, most anthropologists agree, was originally a subservience gesture among primates; and so, it looks like the cheeky monkeys haven’t got far with it yet then.

It may not be the case that older people like to see young men fail completely, but somehow it is more likely that they do like to see them make complete fools of themselves instead.

It is fair to say that you know differently when you’re young from when you’re old, but by that time it’s just too late.

Without the correct information to analyse it with, what you think is occurring at the present time will never correlate exactly with what is actually occurring, unless you just happen to be being run over at the same time by a bus that’s full of eyewitnesses.

As for whatever triviality you choose to remember, there’s always a lot more that you don’t choose to forget.

Wednesday, 19 May 2010

Some people go after the good life, and know exactly what it is, and so when middle age comes along they say: “What’s this? It’s the good life! The good life!” And that’s what it is, it’s: “the good life.”

If you just feel mildly obliged to put yourself out in some way for someone else’s benefit, then in that case they’ll probably get you as well for drawing fire.

When there is no ambiance between individuals, it is a plain, simple fact that they will get in each other’s way until the dominance code is sorted out.

People use friendliness as a device to gain something from you. However, if then they discover that you have no real use to them they might well become unfriendly towards you, just for a start.

Silent people, in being silent, should know that not talking does not get them what they want, even if they do not want it.

Never be tempted to admit to nothing, neither; nor then ever even admit to anything else neither, either.

It appears that the rational, mentally healthy individual has the desire to celebrate his control over reality; how he does this is anyone’s guess.

As you take up space in society there will always be someone around to ensure you take up as little as possible. But if you stand still and quiet, you will notice this all the less.

Simply put, if you don’t act in your own best interests the people who really end up paying the price are the ones you love the most, not including yourself.

Despite moral considerations, it is always easier to punch someone in the back of his head rather than in his face; though, to a civilized man, both can be a practical argument when he’s participating in one.

Gratuitous violence is always an easy option for winkling the unprepared out of their usual environmentally friendly safety zone.

Those who subtly seek to oppose you over your wishes for your actions through their own are, rather, really being enemies on the sly; but then, you probably won’t notice that at the time.

It is best to respond to someone who doesn’t like you with firmness, or, better still, with belligerence. After all, why let anybody interfere with your well being over such a trivial matter as his own?

Sunday, 16 May 2010

Authority is something one group habitually holds over another, weaker, group; this is true in the first instance, no matter what the stronger group in all moral justification wishes done with its authority.

With the police it needs to be understood that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few; while the needs of the one don’t come into the equation at all, unless he also happens to be another victim of circumstance that they have to take care of.

There are laws that you don’t know about and that the police aren’t going to tell you about either before being arrested for breaking them. Which is something more to do with getting caught at it rather than justice.

Killing someone gets him out of the way, which is one reason why there’s a law against it, although not the main one.

It’s an amusement to think that the worst of the criminal classes could prove to be some sort of freedom fighters, but don’t often live long enough to prove it.

The police don’t make things up against you in court; they simply make exaggerated observations at your expense.

The police will happily leave a law abiding citizen alone, right up to the time they come up to him for a chat.

Talking to policemen tends to simplify things immensely; but then, what about that could be so interesting to them, for them to want you to admit to something?

Amongst the company of his colleagues, a policeman will insult you to your face only when he expects you to do something dynamically dramatic about it.

If you ever cop a criminal record—chill out—the next time won’t be so hard.

A criminal act becomes a criminal act when they make a law against it, to say nothing about it commonly being immoral as well.

If you don’t commit any crimes, chances are you won’t be locked up for it.

All laws have loopholes; they’re made specifically for lawyers to jump back and forth through, just for the exercise.

Those laws out there that restrict your freedoms are there to keep you under control, and it looks like you certainly need it too.

The law is not to do with fairness primarily, it is to do with authority; fairness is more to do with the laws of chance.

Friday, 14 May 2010

In reality, how “normal” someone wants to be doesn’t matter; it’s how he manages to fit the mould provided by society for him that counts.

Having no illusions about people must include your having a few about yourself as well.

What language is it the people use every day? It’s very simple, it’s all about preening and grooming.

Some people like to look you up and down, but should be warned only to do so at a safe distance, as any nearer should be eye-to-eye contact.

At some time somebody you know will come up to you and want something for nothing. Give it to him!

It’s all give and take here: “You give and I take.” As in that case it’s never going to be the other way around.

If you’re not wasting time reading this at the moment, then what’s the difference between lethargy and atrophy for you?

Beware of people who have something to prove, for when they do, given half a chance they’ll happily prove it all over you.

Life is selfish, if it is not selfish it is not lived; it is about knowingly going one step beyond just being friendly.

During life, there is always a before, a here and now, and an after; after life, that is always somebody else’s viewpoint.

Dying young is an inconsistency to the mind-set of a young man, as he has obviously too much left to live for.

Eventually, the “fitinalites” will inherit the Earth…or maybe they already have and nobody even noticed.

Petty perversions may also be something with an attractive mesmerism to them that is “very tempting” to the prospective pervert’s envious eye.

This world is full of arseholes, probably because they don’t live long enough to turn into butterflies.

Thursday, 13 May 2010

Nobody else but you ever cares much about your well-being, simply because nobody else except you has much time to notice it. This then is just one of those interesting facts of life nobody much cares to talk about.

Oddly enough, most men will make an interesting conversational point of men they know of who have limbs missing, or have lost a testicle, or an eye, or have had half their penis worn off in a bicycle accident; they have probably just missed the point.

Even the understanding of ambition is beyond those persons who just think it’s more about something to do with being “too mean to fail” in the push and shove of the crowd, but they’ll never see it.

Get to know how to use the people around you for your own benefit, but above all don’t let them know you are doing it or they will call you a cunt.

Drive, determination, and ambition can be faked by just being vicious, but it won’t get you as far.

With most working men following a trade it’s, “That will do nicely for me,” and that’s it; but you won’t hear them telling anybody else that too often.

You can be told what to do about something, but that doesn’t tell you what you should be doing.

Patience may be a virtue, but it’s not necessary to take it to extremes.

The desire to “do good” is all very well, but if you’re lying to yourself over it it’s a sort of thing that is somehow still sort of wrong.

At the right instant, to betray your friends just takes timing, instinct, determination, devious thinking and, of course, the right incentive, or else you wouldn’t do it. Or would you?

While you are socializing and expecting to be accepted for it, you are also behaving like some aping breed of primate in the monkey house simply waiting to be deceived; while others perceive this of you at your time, and so will gather round to watch what is happening.

Those people you see sometimes walking around with a look to them as if they’ve got a pole somehow stuck up through their backsides that keeps them looking strangely stiff: they all have a very good reason for looking like that.

When you are in a position to be harassed, you can also find out there that there will always be new ways to harass you that you have not taken into account.

Do not simply think that another man’s morality in relation to yours applies simply to other individuals as being objects under its influence, as in reality it applies solely to himself in relation to what may occasionally influence him, including you.

We’re all selling something, but who’s “buying it” from the one who’s selling it?

Friday, 7 May 2010

There’s only so much time to use personal commitment with, after that even individual human potential becomes something else.

What we all want to know is: “How to manipulate the manipulative without their knowing that they are being manipulated?”

Being aware of one’s surroundings is being aware of oneself within them.

Life requires some effort to be lived well, or else it’s all “waiting for something more interesting to happen.”

After all the time that passes, still, there you are: still being (amazingly enough) something that you once were.

To be tricked into betraying something vital to you, you don’t really need to be paying too much attention.

For you to choose to betray something of value, it’s no excuse your being an ignorant man. But then again, maybe it is.

You cannot possibly betray what you have not put your heart into in some way; but once you have done that then you at least “shouldn’t have done it.”

You find those who do things to you can always justify it to themselves; but as for justifying it to you, that is another, more curious matter, more to do with dominance than natural justice.

Praise people, if you like, to keep them at a distance, but always put “the boot” in personally.

To actually stand to be insulted is to be no less than you are because of it, only to be more so at the time.

The pervert in society always perverts that which is closest to him first, even if that happens to be you.

Any derogatory observation that can be put humorously is still a gross insult to its target, but quite funny none the less.

You can think what you like. However, your judgement is unavoidably warped by all those petty prejudices that have added up to make that judgement sound enough to be to your liking.

Emotions betray you when it makes you incapable of doing what is right for yourself, or then makes you incapable of your knowing the difference, due to emotion.

Thursday, 6 May 2010

As being a self-conscious act that is so important to men as participants in their own particular male-orientated primate society, men must constantly strive to “play ball” with one another, just so as to be seen as being “just one of the lads.”

If you always ask for the opinions on your actions and difficulties of those closest to you, then you can’t go far wrong in their company, although you might not much like what they’re saying about you.

If you ask someone who is clearly looking at you askance why he is doing it, he’ll never tell you. However, he might tell you something else easily enough.

One ordinary, everyday event that goes most unnoticed in everyday life is the complete interference of other people around you in your everyday life.

People will usually seek to advance their own interests any way they can. As to do this they need the esteem and support provided by other people around them then they will cultivate this with others of like mind to themselves. However, they might like to exclude you for a start.

When partaking in casual conversation it is important not only to know what the other person is thinking about you, but why he is thinking it; thus in this way you may actually come to comprehend exactly how to circumvent his wishes in relation to you, before they come to affect you in the manner he wishes.

If, in a new social environment, you tend to be quite reserved and quiet around people, then there are those around you there who will attack you if there you don’t show the correct submissive code, or, possibly if you don’t show the correct dominance code either.

If in the unlikely event that in your life you do nothing but fail, people who you considered were close to you will gladly sit around and prod you with their forefingers, just to gauge your reactions to continual failure.

As individual human beings following our own destinies we can all ruin ourselves in a second’s miss-thought; so, while we’re about it let’s step lively there for the mildly esoteric (if not also highly erotic) dance of “the constantly evolving, all-walking all-talking monkey.”

To realize your mistakes in time to do something about them, you must first learn to recognize one when you’re making it.