Sunday, 25 June 2017

When people come to believe that you are “full of it”, unfortunately, they are probably right.

Of course, in the mating game, a young man has to be careful about trusting a woman, at least until she gives him what he wants. And even then he has to be careful, in case she turns round & bites his head off.

Be mindful of what you could turn yourself into, as, for whatever it is, it might not be a very nice thing to see.

Anything man does not understand he naturally makes fun of…which is at least an acceptable alternative to cold-blooded murder.

Religion is a lifebuoy in the stormy sea of confusion, & if you throw someone a lifebuoy in such a whether he’ll cling on to it for dear life.

Dying should be as easy as being strung up in a noose; any easier, and a person won’t know what he’s living for.

Arsehole: a person out of place in his element doing his own thing (usually in a public place) regardless of the consequences.

It’s sometimes easy to miss the obvious since it’s not what is being looked for. But once perceived becomes much more obvious than that.

For excellence, there is nothing better than its pursuit. But better hope never to catch up with it, for then there is nowhere else to go.

To be accepted by academia you’ve got to put in enough years of hard work to produce work so boring it would freeze the nuts off a randy old goat in the high Karakorum.

A “man of means” shouldn’t bandy words with someone who has nothing to lose, as he’ll just pick up the display plinth the fellow has been posing on and hit him with it.

Most problems can be solved just by thinking about it…and the ones that can’t never will.

People measure each other’s actions by their own degree of “selfishness”, which could put those who don’t do so too well at a distinct disadvantage.

Constantly banging your head against a wall trying to find a solution to a problem suggests that the solution may entail stopping constantly banging your head against a wall trying to find a solution.

Thursday, 2 March 2017

In my lighter moments I sometimes feel people pass a secret key between one another, secretly, in secret. And what does this secret key unlock? God knows – it’s a secret.

After death, so we are told, comes an afterlife, but what comes after that (to fill the gaping void created by existence), nobody knows.

Most of the insurmountable problems man faces in life are caused by his sheer inability to stop thinking so much about nothing in particular.

In this life, those who have done you some harm you do not have to esteem. This is only just, although it may not be very nice.

The greatest quest in life is the quest for wisdom; although, he would be a fool who thinks he found it.

Urbane. A word I once thought meant one thing, more to do with urbanity but, rather, mean another, more to do with pumping-up one’s amour-propre.

When you fist meet a stranger, firstly, assume he or she wants nothing to do with you, and then, secondly, that if he or she does then you must be useful for something. In any case, extreme caution is advised.

Of course, among men insults over manliness are mandatory, but a broken bottle stops all argument, and especially if you get one in the face.

If a joker wishes to convey nonsense, then, as Thoreau suggests, it must be illogical, as if it isn’t illogical it’s clearly not nonsense.

There can be nothing better to begin a debate with than a true observation of an object of discourse, such as this one for instance.

Knowing they can go barmy over diddlysquat is probably the thing that keeps most people on the straight & narrow; others, it just unhinges.

Everybody’s looking for a teacher, but nobody wants to teach. The ignorant fool!

The animosity directed towards a lazy man from the industrious is like a dart is to a dartboard: pointed and targeted.

One good reason for learning philosophy is to give us a good joke at which to laugh at, or else life would be much too serious to be taken seriously.

The problem with seeing reality as it is, is that, even for the wisest among us, it’s always such a relative experience for everybody.