One thing is certain of failure:
the deeper the failure entrenches himself in its mire the less appealing he
looks to others who have avoided it.
What is the first prerequisite for being a romantic? Well,
in all probability, the capacity to die young while eating one’s words for
The only problem with a good witch-hunt is that not
everybody who’s interested in natural justice can get involved in it.
With all this sanctimonious codswallop these evangelists
come up with it’s a wonder they don’t go and join the venerable society of
sanctimonious bull shiners, or is that an oxymoron of some kind?
Balancing sanity on a pinhead is something best left for
philosophers to ponder over, if, indeed they have the social skills to do it.
One should try not to irritate those in authority too much
but not at the cost of being enslaved to it, it would be too much like a
It’s remarkable how sweet and juicy a good bit of well-timed
betrayal feels, especially when it’s totally uncalled for. As an act of
personal growth, it can be thoroughly recommended to all normally minded
Greed is an essential ingredient for ambition; or, at least,
it whets the appetite for it.
“Friends” have their own agendas. Which roughly means, if
you want to be a friend, you should have one too.
Of course, where people are concerned, Niccolò Machiavelli
said it all; however, not all that many people know what he was on about.
Some men can just talk and talk and talk, and still say
nothing, and during social intercourse many frequently do as a matter of