Thursday, 7 February 2013

Sometimes, you can wake up in the morning and blame the world for nothing whatsoever. Which is not good, because there’s so much you can blame the world for with good reason instead.

You lose your usefulness to friends mostly with the changing of the weather.

Be careful of what you say, you might have to wear it.

Pride is for the wise to keep close, but is the domain of fools.

Always smile at the ones you don’t have much time or use for.

Never give advice to someone who’s lost the plot, as he’s already far ahead of you.

Having something to gnaw at gives us all the energy we need to get by with.

Established institutions need to be poked fun at, or else they simply forget to wobble in the breeze.

What is bitterness other than a lost flower of youth?

Ignorance is a deceitful liar, until it kicks you in the teeth and laughs in your face, then it’s quite revealing.

If you don’t know what you need to know already, you probably don’t know anything much either.

You may not always know what someone who dislikes you really thinks of you, but I can tell you right now that it probably isn’t very flattering.

The joy of being a terrible person is in that you cannot get any better than that, and that is hugely encouraging.

You can walk away from responsibility, but you certainly can’t walk back.

The lazy man is universally despised, but he will never fully understand why.

Disappointment is such a reassuring thing to us all, or else we would not know where we stand on the matter.

To achieve the best is best of the best, after all, they’ve got nothing better to do.

Sometimes, even making the right decision gets you nowhere you would want to go.

Sometimes, the time to “get up and walk” for some people has long since passed them by.

The world makes us complete, or it squashes us flat, like a pancake.

The refined reader: something with a point at both ends and no lead in the middle.