A scholar is someone who does what he can with the
information at hand. An ignoramus, however, doesn’t even know what the word
scholar means, let alone ignoramus (although he might always suspect).
In the main, dislike rules the world, and about that not
much can be said.
You compete to live, and you work to compete. If you don’t
do either, inevitably, you’re half-dead already.
Questions beg answers which need answering with more
questions, but who says so?
The desire to be with people should always be tempered with
the knowledge of what they are.
Only the cock-eyed can look at the world askance and get a
clearer image back than was there to be seen in the first place.
What happens to all the mystery when all the mystery has
Answers aren’t always all that important, just so long as
you have all the right questions.
Some places are places to do things; other places are places
where nothing can be done.
You cannot “start again” if you haven’t started in the first
The secret is: nobody tells you the secret; that, you
have to find out for yourself.
People don’t like it when you look through them; they expect
you to see something there.
Even a complete moron never accepts that he is a moron, no
matter how many people neglect to inform him of it.
There is no place in this world for a stupid man: he is
going to have to make room, chiefly by being annoying to others in his way.
Know the world for what it is and as well as it knows you:
The world is not a cradle, a nursery, or a playground; it is a testing ground
for those who can survive its testing conditions.
One of the most annoying things about social observers is
that occasionally they can actually be right.