Tuesday, 28 September 2010

A man’s behaviour in society is chock-full of a never-ending series of dominance-subservience gestures; while the most amusing thing about that is that he usually doesn’t recognize them for what they are while he performs them.

You should never over-react, as it shall be noticed; nor should you under-react, as you shall be categorized. Only balance is permissible, and that varies for the occasion.

When it comes down to displays of emotion the chimpanzee is no match for the rubber-faced human being, even if they are kissing cousins.

People thrive in society through securing agreement, which is usually the sort of thing that makes them so disagreeable.

If those who, in their lack of drive and moral weakness, make you queasy, then at least you have taste enough to know why; although that alone never makes you better than they are, even if you don’t quite know why that is.

In reality, your time is your own to do with as you wish, where the main decision is when, not whether, to attempt to use people for what they’re worth.

For the comfort of the whole, the group will always be willing to sacrifice at least one of its members for the sake of conformity within the group, and probably a few more as well.

Your betrayal of your own interests must be very much like a betrayal of yourself; as, in a way, they are really very similar in their consequences: personal destruction.

Is it always right to withhold tacit approval from those people whom you disapprove of? Well it may be right, but what feels so right must be wrong to feel so good as well.

All intelligent primates will respond personally to the authority of their peer group with a winning smile, to say nothing about doing it with a nod and a wink.

Lisping, stuttering people––there’s something queer about them—probably a lack of concentration.

Tuesday, 21 September 2010

There is something to be said about knowing what to say as we says it when it needs to be said, as most people haven’t got a clue about what to do about what to say whenever they actually have to say something important enough to be said clearly.

Much of the human environment is esoteric, that is, you don’t know what’s going to get you before it’s been done.

There is nothing about coincidence that can be called neutral, however, there is that which can be called “interesting”, as it is so curious an event to us as human beings.

Finding out for certain in the ordinary course of events just how ordinary you are can be an extra-ordinary event, particularly when it is most naturally associated with being such an ordinary human being.

The subtle point that you have missed cannot be all that important to you, until that time when it comes up and whacks you in the face with it’s actuality.

Ideally, being disliked causes belligerence in its intended victim. As he’s not there to be liked by his enemies, he should at least know how best to deal with them in like manner.

Human life is selfish; if it is not selfish it is not lived. It is about knowingly going one step beyond just being friendly.

Dishonesty is a tool; it may not stop people lying to you, but you know where it’s coming from and that’s a real advantage. But honestly, honesty is really overrated amongst the misinformed.

Petty theft may not be so obviously immoral to an amoral character, but at least it should be paid for on credit.

Maybe you don’t have to be liked to do what needs to be done, but if you can blame someone or something else for it then maybe you don’t have to be hated for it as well.

Someone convinced against his will has just been delayed from making his attack, but probably only so long as he’s got his enemy’s foot on his head.

Those who live best by condescension and deferral naturally, naturally get on best with those others who know them better than they know themselves…

Some people have no valuable personal morality at all in regards to other people’s needs, and that’s a strong code of ethics in its own right.

To apportion blame effectively is to adjust your personal environment to your innermost needs, preferably at the expense of “that most obnoxious object of your spleen” who just so happens to be standing nearest to you at the time.

Life is full of little subtle lessons of the day; if you don’t understand this then you’re fingered as the dunce (to be stuck in the darkest corner of the landscape).

Passing time, in the human landscape, goes: slowly, quickly, faster, all according as to how you feel about it at the time; but, inevitably, it all goes in one direction, after all.

Accepting blame shouldn’t be tolerably acceptable, even when you want it.

There are those who follow, and those who lead; both are as bad as each other when they decide to go round in circles together.

Wednesday, 15 September 2010

Humour is the tool best used to cut down the pompous, and which also teaches the weakened that it is not wise to be overexposed in polite society.

At the risk of being branded a serial liar, duplicity will always be on the agenda for anyone with the intelligence to understand its uses.

Indifference is that force in a man’s life that motivates him to remove mountains of crap from his path, just to see the true nature of the way ahead.

What really needs to be done with people who don’t like you is to make sure they don’t interfere with what you do; which is something that can become the beginnings of a lot of hard work.

On occasion some people can look at you as if you’ve just curdled the milk for their morning coffee, but then what could you have done to make them feel like that if it wasn’t less than nothing?

What you don’t know beforehand, what makes you think you had a chance of knowing about in the first place?

If you give someone payment for nothing he comes to expect it; while if you give him nothing but good advice he’ll expect better next time.

There are always going to be people who don’t like to hear the truth, but that’s probably only because they know it already and don’t like to be reminded of it by the likes of you…

The past, when you go back to look at it, seems different from the present in one specific way: that it’s no longer there to be seen as it once was.

Somebody who has occupied the moral high ground at your expense will also do so with a sense of righteous justification as morally justified by his position over you. But that still doesn’t make him right, only your own failings can do that.

Being overwhelmed is often a simple matter of being in the wrong place at the wrong time while doing the wrong things, but what you should always be thinking about is how to survive it now.

Someone else’s troubles are something best avoided, if only to prevent them becoming your own simply on someone else’s instigation.

Most people haven’t got time to waste your time; but if they did they’d be happy to do it all the time, as it’s worthless to them anyway.