Tuesday, 15 June 2010

A personal attack is a form of social interaction in a negative manner, and many will always find it much more enjoyable than social interaction in a positive manner.

It always produces much moral satisfaction in society to enable a highly educated young man to become a bonded warehouseman.

It is a general rule of being a social moron that a social moron does not know he is a social moron, but thinks it’s to do with other people’s viewpoints.

If from the start you know that you’re dealing with a bunch of primates in The Monkey House, you won’t be surprised too much by what they get up to at feeding time.

Most people would like to use some type of “frighteners” at some time in their lives, these range from kitchen knives, knuckle dusters, pickaxe handles, machetes, yo-yos and sawn off shot-guns; and some people will use them too, usually without a moment’s hesitation.

Normal people in society will always attack the interests of those strange individuals who insist on looking like Nosferatu, as they don’t like the idea of being bit.

Physically ugly people can really enjoy seeing the beautiful people screw up, as then they can feel that the world is a fairer place because of it, and it is.

Most people will do an inordinate amount of damage to others without even thinking twice about it; which probably just means that they don’t need to.

A sarcastic wit in polite society can occasionally go too far, and so he becomes a sarcastic twit; but then he may not notice it, because everyone’s obviously too polite to say so.

How does someone make an everyday moral decision? He makes it in a poor, slapdash manner, and then, if he survives it, he just does it again.

To grasp the nettle firmly you must also feel its pain at being grasped, although, in doing so, it can still be quite painful.

Vanity must be a very cosy thing when you feel it completely justified by your pleasures.

Make more of nonsense gained through misunderstanding, so you can appreciate making sense even better than it deserves.

The human mind in action can be seen as a series of pre-programmed conditioned responses to change, although most people wouldn’t know why anybody would want to see it that way, especially without a good reason.

If you’re not fighting hard enough today you need to fight harder; if you can’t do that, well, perhaps you should find an easier pace of battle.

Just do as you wish, as nobody else could be bothered enough to do it for you anyway.

Wednesday, 9 June 2010

The politics of envy keep the Porsches out of the hands of the proletariat, and it’s a good thing too, especially if they’ve just been polished.

Shoeshine boys must swear blue murder about you behind your back, and so long as they do a good job with the polish who gives a damn?

Sometimes, painting the truth black for fun is the only thing that brings out its essential meaning in Technicolor.

Opinions need to be clarified before you can make mincemeat out of them.

If you truly want to “live life to the full before you die,” do you really know what that means, or are you just too afraid to find out?

What you need to combat life is a correct philosophy; once you have achieved this nothing can stop you, except death.

Some people will like to walk about with iron bars in their hands as it’s all the better to hit you with––and you wouldn’t think you’d deserve it would you?

Your peers are always looking to you to say something inanely stupid, so as to mark you out from others; the trick is to not say it to them directly and move more in with the crowd instead.

If you do manage to say something inanely stupid over nothing in particular of relevance you’ll be left wondering why you said it. It’s the thing no one forgets and everyone will mark you by.

It’s always best to run with the crowd, as in this way it’s unlikely that you’ll be singled out before they catch up with someone else trying to be a real individual.

There are some people who, to your determent, will like to pass moral judgement on every single act you make. While there are others who simply don’t give a damn, but think it anyway just to keep their minds ticking over.

People enjoy commenting on what other people are doing with their time, but more often than not it just gets nasty.

Sometimes, you can throw a mangy dog a bone and he will be content to gnaw at it until his teeth wear down.

Memories will increase to haunt the footsteps of the has-beens, and blister the souls of the don’t haves.

Highly intelligent individuals often tend to look down on the plebs for being ignorant, because they are.

Some men, if they fail at something, will immediately go on to do something else; while other men, without finding that sense of direction in themselves, will simply decide to sit down and die of boredom.

Tuesday, 8 June 2010

In your chosen walk of life you have no automatic right to be told the truth; however, that does not mean you cannot look for it yourself in your spare time.

Many men are flummoxed by the sincerity behind an unreasoned belief—and that’s a good one!

What is an unacceptable insult from a friend is not from a friend, and that’s true. However, having said that, he may just have a warped sense of humour when drunk.

Those who can tell you you’re taking up somebody else’s place may occasionally be right; but the question is are they being helpful or not?

Psychopaths should definitely be avoided, but then how do you know whom to avoid? As mostly it only becomes apparent when it’s too late and you’ve already hit them with a brick.

If you push the limits of your environment on the human level you can get a punch in the face for it, but it’ll probably be worth the effort.

What can always be used on you is moral condemnation by the majority, what you could then use on them then is a pickaxe handle.

Life has a lie hidden deep within it that is inherent to its makeup, while only a gullible fool thinks about this truth of life later.

The great strength of a woman’s character in comparison to a man’s lies in the fact that she has men to laugh at, if not with.

In the social arena, a fine woman has a nose for a dominant male, and a sniff for anyone else.

Where young women are concerned, it is usually quite dangerous for older men to be lechers, but it’s probably more interesting.

Some young women are natural born fuckers, and, come to think of it, they look like it as well.

There is such a thing as a hardened woman, she having no mercy, no doubt, no pity and no shame when she has the goal in sight, and she is as playful as a little kitten.

Monday, 7 June 2010

In polite society people seldom use bad language, but merely think it; however, you can generally tell what they’re thinking by their expression. Strong emotions tell as a facial tick which drums out a vital message in Morse code. However, they won’t usually say a word.

Social interaction is what people do to get what they want out of society, irrespective of whether they actually enjoy it or not. You may ask, “How does a man get a nose for something?” And then, “How can this preposterous proboscis be used to best effect?” Or then again, maybe you won’t.

Greed, sloth, wroth, pride, envy, lust, gluttony––it takes a lot of doing, but you too can master them all, provided that you can realize exactly what they are useful for in society in time to make a difference.

You may on occasion come to ask of someone close to you: “Well, what can I do about such and such a problem?” While if he or she says nothing, then you’re probably just talking to the wrong person entirely.

If you just got the heart and stuffing and fire kicked out of you, well then, if you ever had it you only live once you know.

In a violent conflict it is an amusement that the intelligent man can bleed just as much as any uneducated buffoon; but really, the intelligent man should know better than to put himself in that position.

The most useful, tenacious tool for a person is to be able to step back, and have a derisory opinion of another person and use that insight to form a clearer perception of what is actually happening around him.

If you have the personified characteristics of a tobacco store Indian people will fear you even if you’re harmless; and you know what people do to what they fear.

There are people who don’t get what they want; they are your natural born enemy, even if you’ve never seen them before in your entire life.

Occasionally, people who want to be your friend just say that so they can get to destroy you from the inside. But who are they and what do they look like? That’s the question.

What is unacceptable from a friend is not from a friend, and that’s true. However, having said that, he may just have a warped sense of humour when drunk.