Wednesday, 28 April 2010

When it’s too convenient, we can all travel up our own tight little path to a place of obscenity within us; while, possibly only if we so wish through exercising free choice, keeping tight hold of a common sense of decency helps prevent it.

One can do immoral or illegal things every day, just so long as one doesn’t break one’s own highly refined ethical standards while doing so.

One can laugh at oneself when something there is revealed to be particularly funny, however, it may take on a more serious demeanour later, if one survives the episode.

If you’re not the same, you’re different; and if you’re different, you can be mocked for it.

Thoughts that drift away you’ll never miss much, until you try to recall them with alacrity.

If you’re wise enough to avoid saying something stupid today, then you can also be clever enough not to avoid saying it in passing tomorrow.

It’s a pity that most people don’t like to hear the truth spoken about themselves, particularly when it’s someone else’s version of it.

People do like to be given the credit for existing, but from whom, that’s the question.

Those people who can manage to do things coolly, calmly, and collectedly, can also manage to do it all over you.

Beware of what you can think of: it may not be all there.

Sunday, 18 April 2010

The first thing in social life that you have to take care of is your personality, then you have got to become manipulative, next you have to understand why to be manipulative.

Within society considering other people’s motivations is of paramount importance to the individual, in that they will affect him in every way he did not even think possible.

Pushing your nose into someone else’s business is always a rather odorous affair, but that’s not to say you might not enjoy doing it.

What you should ask of some person getting in your way is: “Why is this person getting in my way?” And if you can work that out in time to do something appropriate about it you’ll be a clever fellow indeed.

Personal dislike is the immediate reaction used in humanity’s essentially “primate culture”, to ward off the “evil eye” of those individuals who would disrupt the harmony of life-style within the group.

Having a real, sharply defined truth of life revealed to us does not necessarily make us any wiser, however, it does make us more curious.

In each other’s company, the self-possessed enjoy themselves most freely when they relate most easily to each other’s prejudices.

Those people who have made some mistake socially (and so slink-off to “lick their wounds”) surely then, have also made a mental note to correct it in some way as well.

If, for what you are, you are consistently and persistently attacked, then you must also find indirect ways of fighting back.

Just because an action is forthright, well thought out and well executed, doesn’t mean it’s going to be a right and proper thing to do, but you’re probably going in the right direction.

Effort produces possibilities of advancement not envisaged by other, less active courses of action. This merely seems harder to pursue than failing.

Dedication is what you definitely need, but what do you actually need it for?

Some people do quite well for themselves out of the perceived environment, and thus they must be quite good at doing so. Others do not manage quite so well.

Next to physical violence, disapproval is the most powerful form of attack used against the exposed individual, pity is the next one down, while sympathy is lower still and hits him below the belt—but it takes a lot of practice to perfect.

It is mostly the dull, crass, boorish things in life that tend to single men out for his use as the precise tools of his own intimate destruction; yet it will be these same mundane, ordinary, commonplace matters that the most aware of men routinely single out and pay attention to most diligently.

In an act of judgement the obvious observation is one of the perspective of the observer, and thus is the immediate failing of the opinionated mentality.

The best way to cajole someone into doing something not really in his best interests is to make the apparent seem real by agreeing with his prejudices.

“The funniest thing” is a truth that has been discovered hidden away in front of your eyes within a confounded lie, and yet beforehand you did not even notice its existence: that is “the funniest thing.”

In addition to being uncertain we can also suspect the truth and purposely neglect to confirm it, as knowing that truth for certain makes of our lives an unbearable certainty.

Playing the fool would also make you occasionally wonder what’s going on, but essentially the answer still eludes you.

In “ugly situations” you can do some “ugly things”, especially when “not meaning to.”

In many ways, you can be a very clever man while being clever enough; which can be adequate most of the time, but no more.

Sunday, 11 April 2010

It is better to think about why someone asks you a particular question, and then don’t answer it; positively if possible, but negatively where necessary, but silence is preferable.

What is necessary may also be wise, but may not necessarily also be acceptable.

For a clearer view of the world, what you accept is clearly as important as what you deny.

Contained within one lifetime is all that is needed to live it, which includes everything needed to end it as well.

Other people’s opinions of you may affect you in ways that confirm the truth of their opinions of you, but only if you make it so.

A man you don’t trust to jump up and down at the appropriate moment you won’t come anywhere near; although why he would want to behave like that is anyone’s guess.

Acceptance within the adolescent peer group is the touchstone of individual youth culture; know this and you know all about it.

One of the favourite games of groups of young people socializing with each other in bars is to avoid talking to the shy, quiet, socially inexperienced young individuals whom are all alone; probably because they don’t notice their existence, and rightly so.

Sustained bouts of practical jokes lead inevitably to short bursts of violence; but don’t worry, as it’s all just a sustained dominance gambit.

Life can be looked upon as being one big game: rules, players, winners, losers; right up to the time when you begin to lose.

It’s fair to say that you know differently when you’re young than from when you’re old, but by then it’s too late to change your tune.

If you don’t learn that self-reliance gives self-support producing self-esteem, then you perpetuate the natural born victim within yourself.

Sometimes when you’re pushed you don’t want to know; which is often a good way to look at it, and other times not.

Those who use dominance as a means of expression should be stared at, as they don’t like it put like that.

No one has to agree with your stated opinion, as it’s all the better to suppress you with.

Friendliness is the price you pay for being thought “normal” by the rest of the “back-scratching” fraternity.

Oppression is best practiced by the man in the street just going about his lawful, everyday business.

One thing people do a lot after a while is die, and that’s just the naturally repetitive end of “that sort of thing.”

With some people you find that they “can’t die today,” as they’ve got “too much to do tomorrow.” And there’s no particular reason why that shouldn’t be so…

Sometimes, you may actually want the best for someone but have no clue how to give it to him; perhaps, he should really go and find that out for himself.

Sunday, 4 April 2010

Short courses in self-knowledge that take up way too much of your valuable time should also be beaten into you for good measure, then, perhaps, you’ll learn something worthwhile about the practical uses of your time.

Commenting on a man’s “classic primate behaviour” is effectively an un-subtle insult to his manhood, even if it’s true; and that it’s true even if to his eyes it doesn’t happen as you say it does; simply because he’s obviously a man, not a monkey, even if he looks quite like one under the bright light of intense scientific scrutiny.

When someone does amoral, dirty, degrading, even perverted, things it must still suggest that there’s a level of acceptability there that could be lived with by their main victim…but it’s only a suggestion.

Why allow yourself to be dictated to by other people’s approach to you, when you can make your own actions define your wishes for yourself? Would it be that you’d just find the need to react so overbearing that you’ve allowed other people’s wishes to control that too?

There’s no point in playing lip-service to something you don’t believe in, without an audience to appreciate it; but then there’s no point telling an audience you’re just playing lip-service to something you don’t believe in, as they’d quite happily “tear your head off” over it, just for being cheeky.

It is appropriate for the common man to know and come to appreciate the simple fact that, when he is caught in an inescapable trap, then as a result of it he will also be left there to die.

Always step back quickly from someone who over-reacts overly much, as you’ll see everybody else nearby do so twice as fast as anyone else who hesitates to do so…

Every once in a while someone comes along who looks at things in a slightly different way from the way others do, they either kill him, lock him up, or, maybe, even give him a medal to “fit the mould”.

You either conform or die, but if you know this and also conform as well then occasionally, and with a little perseverance, you may still be able to “fuck their brains out!”

Most people will develop ideas about other people that are completely unfounded, but they do enjoy having them anyway.

Friendliness for its own sake is no reason to be friendly; however, if not taken too far, it’s a good start for developing a standpoint of mutual aggrandizement between apparent equals.

“A truck!” usually hits people who know how it is and know where they stand when they’re not looking.

The place you no longer live your life is always just around the next corner.

Whether you live or die doesn’t matter; what you do or don’t do, nobody cares one jot. This is true in the first instance, before anything else.

You don’t have to choose stupidity as a career choice: sometimes it can come up to you and take hold without your even noticing that you had a moment of choice.

What you want to know is, “Why do people do certain things in certain situations?” Never guess, always know.

Maybe “for someone to be happy it is necessary for others not to be all the time,” but it is still quite hard to prove except by holding up the whole of human experience to date as a specific example of it.