Wednesday, 31 March 2010

You’ll find that in most civilized nations you do what you’re told because it’s good for you, and if you don’t do what you’re told they’ll lock you up for it, because it’s good for you too.

Some people don’t like authority, simply because it smacks their bottoms with gusto.

You can sometimes discover that some things can be so sad in this life that you’ve just got to laugh, or else there might be a minor revolution in the making.

You’ll usually find that there is room for every man in his place and a place for every man, and if you step out of your place then there will be no place for a man like you.

Much of life is about taking what’s your due; but let’s not be nasty about it: always smile while you’re about it.

When you come up against it and manage to walk around it, if you wish you might then choose to say that, “There but for the sake of God go I.” As some other poor sods don’t get the chance to say so; so until it’s your turn you may as well say it for them.

Thinking about some things once that don’t actually need thinking about more than once is quite enough, while continuing to do so is a waste of good boozing time.

Wise men have always sought like-minded men to relate to; hence the skinhead was invented to fill the incredibility-gap in the market.

There is a proper value and proportion to be observed in the performance of every act that a misplaced audience cannot clap to.

If you act foolishly for yourself, you immediately become a clown for the audience who go about looking for such entertaining people to gawk at.

When they start to tell you that “you’re still young,” or “you’re not that old,” you’ll wish they told you that a whole lot earlier.

It is a “human need” to know that people will act ruthlessly over the realization of their nearness to death, although they may not care to admit this to you at the time.

If you don’t want to be manipulated you must learn to be manipulative; there is no in between for a flash in the pan of the likes of a man.

If you are disliked you will be attacked in some way, even if you don’t realize the full effectiveness of it.

Always manage to tell the people what they want to hear and you’ll be a popular fellow, along with the rest of the echoing majority.

Living in a crazy world even you could be crazy and not know it; but then, however crazy you are, the standard of sanity is always set by what you would do, not what you wouldn’t.

Sometimes we can put laziness aside in favour of action, and tomorrow is always a good time to start.

Monday, 29 March 2010

If you know why the first time you’re fooled, you won’t be fooled so easily the next time; as then it’ll be easier for you to understand why you’re being fooled next time you’re being fooled once you understand the process better.

When you can manipulate the manipulators so they don’t know you’re doing it, then you’ll be a “right cunt” indeed, along with the rest of the manipulative “little cunts”.

As a matter of policy be sure to give praise to the blameworthy, and blame to the praiseworthy; anyone else who is just a little confused you can tell to “fuck off!”

Self-esteem, self-help, self-motivation, self-reliance and self-fulfilment, all produce selfishness, which is a necessity for living well in a selfish environment.

Familiarity in social circles encourages contempt, and the more familiar you are the more contemptible you can become.

Sometimes, when you’re pushed you don’t want to know, which at times is often a good way to look at it, and at other times it isn’t.

No one farts at dinner parties in High Society simply because that, from a very early age, they’re told in deportment lessons where exactly to put the champagne cork.

There are those who constantly seek for the mysteries of life in their own minds, and then there are those who constantly go down the local pub for a good booze-up instead.

Some people can take only so much truth; so don’t go giving it all up to those sorts of people just because they’re asking for it.

Most people are not that pleasant, and that’s all right, as not many are; they can all go and die some place else, and sooner or later they usually do.

For everyone who is “asking for it,” did he really ask for it all that much, or are you?

All fools must think, on comparison, that they’re smarter than the other fools that have gone before them, but can they prove it?

If someone asks you why you do as you do, then your reasons are all your own.

Sometimes, you may have just gotten the wrong end of the stick: the appreciation of this fact is of paramount importance.

Why let someone else tell you what to do with yourself when you can tell yourself much better than that?

Saturday, 27 March 2010

The mind, in a medium of events, should be like a clear mountain stream flowing swiftly over jagged rocks. If it’s not then you should call the plumber.

That person that you engage in conversation who is prepared to be genuinely friendly may, in his eagerness to be friendly, sometimes forget that one of the best (or most subtle) ways for you of gaining information from him is to comment on what he tells you; until, eventually, he finds that he has told you everything you wanted to know and needed to know without asking him one single direct question.

Holding a casual conversation is like riding a bicycle on a blustery day: somebody with excellent balance has always got to be on top of the situation.

You can always try telling someone who asks you how you feel how you really feel; but isn’t that really just being unnecessarily impolite to someone being polite enough not to care too much about you anyway?

Sometimes, you’ve just got to get up and say: “I’m young, I’m handsome, I’m fast, and I can’t possibly be beat.” But I wouldn’t wait too long to do it if I were you.

To be expelled from a group for “nonconformity” is a neat way of getting rid of you, one explainable to you best by acknowledging in yourself your own dislike of the outsider’s strange viewpoint.

To be told to “go away,” somehow or other, you must really have been informed of your rightful place in the world already.

You must learn early on in life to “do as you’re told”, as doing so is an in-built response mechanism that quite possibly saves the human race from itself.

What you don’t particularly feel in yourself much, you can only gawk at in amazement when seen expressed in others.

Just think what it would be like waking up twenty years later, thinking about what you should have done twenty years before…or maybe you already have?

It’s a strange “rule of thumb” of personal behaviour to follow but the truth is that, “If it hurts you should stop doing it.” Although, sometimes, some seem to learn this simple fact way too late, long after it has all been: “been and done.”

To be aware of what you are doing in the next moment (and so also be able to control it through the use of reason) should be the only thing worth doing.

Sometimes, you can confuse the casually malicious comment with boredom and with misunderstanding; but maybe in truth (for some strange reason), there was just not much else worth saying…

When you’re looking everywhere for the truth, anything that even remotely substantiates it will be considered acceptable supporting evidence.

The pursuit of excellence is excellent in itself if it also takes you to some place where you want to go which is worthwhile. But where else would you want to be exactly, for the amount of effort involved?

The “lazy person” is an anomaly within society: he has ceased to present a valid purpose for his continued existence there.

A new choice should not be something that gives you less freedom to act, but that is frequently not an option.

Being “given another chance” suggests you must have been foolish enough to muck up the first one…

In your desiring to wish to “be ashamed for some other person’s actions”, shouldn’t he really rather be ashamed for himself? And thus, if you are doing so, aren’t you just imposing upon his volition for your own reasons? Is that reasonable?

For people not to understand why you act in a certain way around them is also a reason to be cautious.

Monday, 15 March 2010

While you may go round looking for the truth of yourself in conversations with other similar ethical beings as yourself, most ethical beings you encounter in your search for your rather subjective search for personal truth won’t tell you what you need to know about yourself, because they haven’t got a clue about you anyway.

It is true that in seeking through analogy the reality of your predicament your mind will be relieved of mental cramp. Or is that crap?

To break a man’s spirit you must hit him, and again, and again, and when he gets up, you must hit him again, and again, until he doesn’t get up anymore, and just lies there bleating and shitting himself…I guess he just couldn’t have got the joke.

What is the deep, inner meaning of existence? There isn’t one that important. Which could very well be the deep, inner meaning of existence.

When you do something completely and utterly stupid you can ask yourself how you did that, and so the answer immediately appears: because that’s the way to do it – stupid!

Put in enough scholarly references into what you do for the public part of your show and people will think you’re a scholar, that or a complete idiot.

If you really want information no one will tell you where to get it, so don’t forget to thank him kindly for doing so.

Being a rebel without a cause suggests that, for your sins, your name should already be stored on some obscure Government database, filed under “Obsequious Obscenities”.

Constrain someone for long enough and he’ll go barking mad, so why do it in the first place?

Let fear dictate your actions, you become part of the thing you fear.

Solely if you’re strong enough to be “stronger than that” before weakness happens, weakness eventually all fades away.

Male bonding things are a boy-thing; sometimes, it can be a very frightening thing to see.

The established social clique excludes the outsider from “participating” in it, which must be the main function of the clique within society.

When men go ape around you, it is advisable to scratch your armpits and grunt.

As for old men’s inmost desires, well, they can’t get young women anymore either.

The friends of those who have despised you, even if they are being friendly for the occasion, are still the friends of your enemies, even if they still only just stand and watch.

What you consider to be important enough you must fight for; what you don’t, you don’t. But the question still remains as to what these things are all about, after all.

Those memories that twist the guts up are those memories best avoided by not having them.

Change your attitude and you may change your life, even if you do live in a box.

What can we say when we don’t know what to say about something, other than to hide our opinions in a questionable silence?