Wednesday, 27 January 2010

Anyone who answers one question will answer another one, until eventually he’ll admit to it, whatever it is. Thus, to maintain equipoise amongst your questioners, it’s better to answer a question with another question.

If for whatever reason someone really dislikes you then he’ll happily do anything in his power to denigrate you, no matter how unbelievable that sounds to you while he’s about it.

A young man should realize early on in life that, with determination, courage and the support and encouragement of his friends, he could even jump through a wall of flame without getting a scratch on him.

You may be able to choose what it is you want to be mesmerized by over in your lifetime, but first you must realize the difference.

For reasons better known to themselves most people will try to trip you up, even over the slightest matter, and so they’d also better watch out.

Some highly intelligent people like to look for cracks in the wall with a magnifying glass. If you should ever find yourself doing this, you’ll also be able to see quite clearly there that it’s a perfectly logical thing to do.

If you find yourself imposing on someone then he’s not going to like it. I suggest you make it perfectly clear that you didn’t really intend to impose on him and so you won’t let him impose on you.

Someone who deserts his friends in a tight spot isn’t a real friend; but then again, maybe he just has to go to work in the morning.

Most people live compulsive, narrow-minded existences and may also get on quite well by it after a while, that is once they get used to the mind-numbing monotony of it.

When you lose youth you lose something irreplaceable there. People don’t go looking for their lost youth, because they know it isn’t there anymore, as there’s a gaping hole there instead.

Many people are callus, self-centred and cruel, but amusingly enough, despite that, they will also find that they only have one lifetime to fit it all in.

Life is “the sharp point”, which is better dealt with by having a sharpish attitude to it. If you don’t know exactly what that means, that’s unfortunate.

The “death in us” is not to be contemplated easily, neither is it understandable, but it can be ignored while we’re living with it, which is what most people end up doing.

Everybody’s grip on life is tenuous, so it is wise from the start to act with due care and attention.

Monday, 25 January 2010

In misunderstanding the point of another man’s sarcasm you may always whack him for it, but that doesn’t necessarily avoid the consequences of doing so.

Occasionally, a true observation of what a man really is can also be put in the form of a casual remark, one quite enough to put him six feet under for you.

Only the measured response is necessary when you are attacked, if only to preserve your peace of mind.

Assuming you care, the rasher choices you care to make can also have an unforeseen detrimental effect upon others you may care for.

To fight, a man must need to know what he’s fighting for, or at least know a man relatively close by at the time who does.

Time is on a man’s side only when it doesn’t come up and bite him in the arse for being daft over it.

To “seize the moment” first of all you must learn how to recognize it amidst all the other similar moments vying for your attention.

If ever you are not confused enough now, wait a bit longer and you could be confused even more than before.

Theoretically speaking, if you fight hard you have a cast iron guarantee there that you’ll survive, at least until the warranty runs out.

Anyone can make a simple mistake, and provided he doesn’t kill anyone but himself through doing so he is entitled to make another one.

Stop trying for you stated objective and you’ll have already reached your destination, whatever that is.

If about you everything is in chaos do not concern yourself unduly, somebody has got to know what is happening and it will probably be the enemy.