Sunday, 27 December 2009

People expect you to act in a certain manner in their company, while if you don’t act in that manner they won’t have anything to do with you. This is to do with personal strategy and tactics for survival in the face of the enemy.

When someone is “in with the crowd” he doesn’t have to think too much and he’ll learn the right code; meanwhile, the way into the crowd is through subservient appreciation.

It is generally considered to be true that once you’re down and out in society, then society shall recognize this as your natural position within society.

Our more “morally flavoured” opinions are there primarily to whip people into shape, primarily with a lashing tongue.

If you must speak in questions people won’t answer you: declarative statements are what it’s all about.

If you can’t make the effort at the party, in effect, you’re viewed as an “edible human vegetable” and as such, you’ll be diced, fried and eaten alive.

People don’t like it if you begin to cry on their shoulders, they think to themselves: “This one’s crying on my shoulder.” So why do it?

To anyone of interest to anybody, first impressions are so important to ascribing what another person is to him or her; whether that other person particularly deserves it or not is irrelevant.

Those individuals who cannot be categorized should be categorized as such, and watched closely for signs of interdependence among the crowd.

If anybody should ever come up and ask you: “Who are you, what do you want?” Always deny the inherent desire the question invokes in you to admit subservience implicitly.

Relatively speaking life is meaningless—the sanctity of life is a poker chip in “the game of life”. However, the subjective value to someone of his own lifetime is incalculable, but however incalculable it is still relatively meaningless.

To gain an objective there is a price you can pay that is beyond the pail, but at least (if you’re lucky) you might still be able to laugh about it all later.

Wednesday, 16 December 2009

Many people will choose to wait for you to talk to them, and if they wait long enough eventually they’ll impose upon your volition as well.

If you’ve got any bold-eyed statements to make in life make them now; for later is for nerds like that of the like of which you too shall become.

You can tell someone what he is easily enough, but he has to believe it deep down to make it true.

If ever you find yourself in the position where you do actually choose to ask someone what he would do in your place, obligingly enough, either he’ll tell you what he would do in his place, or get nasty about it.

Develop a sense of humour, in that way no one can pin you down because he or she won’t be fast enough to interfere with your aim.

Civility should always be pursued as an active social statement; as if they can’t pry you out of it they’ll have nothing to hold over you.

Men overstepping the mark only need a bit of encouragement––if only to be able to give them some on account.

Of necessity, a young women is to be let be fulfilled by her society, only so long as she doesn’t step out of place over it.

There are women out there who only want you for your money, and they would be right about that too.

All young women are bitchy by nature, while if you ‘re foolish enough to tell them this they also become young hellions.